
The census lady came to my house today. I'm pretty sure she came two other times... but I didn't answer the door. I don't like answering even when I speak the language of the person on the other side. I am far less inclined to respond when I'm in a foreign country. And it's evening. And my door has no peephole. And I'm wearing my pjs. 

I felt bad for Mrs. Census Lady. She had more questions than the SAT, and I only understood pieces of a few of them. I suppose she had to keep asking anyway. I also felt slightly bad about the hamster. It'd been rolling around in its ball and was quite attracted to this woman. Sadly, the feeling was not mutual. I put the hamster away. 

Fortunately, Susan answered her phone and took care of a lot of the woman's questions. And fortunately, the bathroom floor was only wet and not flooded when Mrs. Census Lady wanted to use the facility (every time I use my washer, my bathroom gets about 3 mini-floods). I do hope Susan told her that I'm from Brazil. Or Madagascar. But even if I just get listed under America Person, I'll take it. 


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