
Showing posts from June 27, 2010


My day ends with fourth grade. Today's class was all boys who all like to eat all the time. Each of them had their own regular-sized tube of Pringles this afternoon. Generally, I make them put the food away, but when one of them placed a generous stack of chips on my desk, I took the bribe. Furthermore, I taught them how to make a duck bill. This was all well and entertaining until Ethan decided to try drinking water through his duck bill. I don't think a single drop made it into his mouth. Instead, he gained a rather embarrassing wet spot on his shorts. So we laughed at Ethan and then sadly put our food away. 

Perms and Pencils

Ann wore her cardigan as a head covering today -- until I'd compliment her for it. Then she'd quickly remove it for 20 minutes or so.  Henry got a perm this weekend. It's nothing out of the ordinary for Korean mothers to get perms for their sons. It's also completely normal for those boys, including Henry, to absolutely hate their freshly permed hair. Jaden had one answer for nearly everything I said to him today. It went something like "be-quiet-and-eat-your-food-and-do-your-work-and-don't-talk-and..." at some point he'd run out of commands and then do whatever it was I'd asked him to do.  JunSeo is nearly an angel as students go. But occasionally he pulls some weird stuff. I glanced back at his row and found him sitting casually and contentedly with a pencil in his right nostril. Andy informed us today that he likes the color Peter. I have a pencil case that looks like a shoe. Clever little Jason decided to try it on, and he didn...