Chocolate Chips

For Valentine's Day, my fabulous parents sent me a box of chocolate-covered potato chips. Someone brought me the package during class (my mail is sent to work), and my pre-kinders were beyond excited about it. Grace ran around shaking the box as hard as she possibly could. I promised them that, if they finished their work quickly, we'd open my mail. Maybe this just shows how little I know about Korean kids, but I really expected them to be grossed out by potato chips dipped in chocolate. Even after they begged to try them, I still expected someone to spit out their chip. Not the case. The first word they uttered after tasting the chips was "delicious!" I walked into class after a three-day weekend and my kids were still bitter that I hadn't given them each more than one chip. "Teacher, you are not good," Diana announced. "You do not share your chips." I promised to bring these kids a treat for some class-wide accomplishment. I made the...