Subway Smiles
In case you weren't aware, Seoul is a big city. It's a big city with all sorts of wonderful things. There are sweet buildings and public transportation options that, amazingly, manage to keep me from missing my truck. There are coffee shops galore and endless entertainment options. There's a beautiful river running through the city. There are stores and restaurants representing nations from all over the world. There are ridiculously smelly trees, countless and fabulous variations on rice, and great songs about odd things like "fantastic elastic." And there are people. Swarms of people crowding into elevators with me and pushing past me to get on the subway. People sporting headphones who are transfixed by their fancy phones and portable TVs. People walking into me. People seeming to not notice me but also watching me when they think I don't see. People conversing all around me who might as well be speaking jibberish. Some days I'm acutely aware that I ...