
This was the best writing class of the Kindergarten year. We didn't make it past the first page. I didn't even finish reading the directions before Justin blurted, "What is inbisible??"

So I explained, and then we spent half of the period thinking up and acting out the pranks we'd pull if we were invisible. Writing class can be the bane of Thursdays, but today would have been a good day for a video camera.

Would you like to be invisible? Write about what you would do if no one could see you.

I want to be invisible because...
Kelly ...the person is moving but other people just see the clothes moving.
Jaden ...I want to play.
Peter ...I want to go to the gril bathroom.
Ellizabeth ...I don’t want to listen to my mom.
Andy ...I want to steal money.

Justin ...I want to throw dynomite to build a campfire.

Ann ...I could surprise people. When my mother yells I will do work and pencil will float.

Henry ...I will poke head.
JunSeo ...I can eat yummy cookie when Emily talks to Elizabeth teacher.

And there's Maro. She is hyper, creative, and hilarious, so I anticipated something clever and funny. Her reply surprised me, but I thought it still high-five worthy.
Maro ...I do not want to be invisible because I want to not bother any people.


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