Graphite Chopsticks

We ate lunch outside in front of the coffee shop that gets a decent chunk of my income. I had tuna bibimbap. Like most rice dishes, this one is supposed to be eaten with a spoon. I was too lazy, however, to pull out chopsticks AND a spoon. A few minutes into my lunch, one of the baristas came outside, stuck a small plastic spoon in my bowl, and returned to her work. 

When I arrived in my first grade class, quiet Shiyoo proudly held out her shiny, gray fingertips for me to see. She used her break wisely to color them with her pencil. Jason did the same but clearly forgot about it. He didn't make it ten minutes before his cheeks and nose were varying shades of pencil gray. 


  1. ouch. You must have been failing bad at the chopsticks. Just too painful for the others to watch.

  2. ...or they just thought the foreigner didn't know what utensil to use. they're quick to help you out with that before you even have a chance to start eating.

  3. You know the "spork"? Maybe you need to the "spootick", or "choon".


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