Why I Feel Like a Poser

I walked out of work tonight with my bundle of gifts accumulated over the last two days. Today is Teachers' Day in Korea. A few presents trickled in during the week, but the bulk of them came in Friday.

My first Teachers' Day gift was Chanel lip gloss from Henry. If you know me, I hope you see the irony in that. A couple classes later, Jason presented me with a tin of cookies. Other gifts included flowers made of soap, a Hilfiger shirt, lotions, more Chanel and Mary Kay, spiffy pens, Tazo tea, more cookies, and a $100 gift certificate.

Some parents, instead of buying for one or two teachers, get something for everyone. One mother went to the coffee shop in our building and ordered iced coffees for all the Korean and foreign staff. That's a LOT of iced coffee. More bottled beverages, donuts, and rice cakes appeared on our desks, and our boss brought in pizza.

I only recently learned that the US has a Teachers' Day. I do believe those teachers get the short end of the stick. I don't remember there being nearly as much respect or appreciation (in general) for teachers. Step it up, USA!


  1. wow! awesome. $100 gift card or 100 won? Enjoy the love (=

  2. Hahahaha... lipstick? Do they know you at all? :D


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