
I teach a lot of cute kids. A lot. JunSeo is a quiet cutie. He's the perfect kid who stays in his chair and raises his hand and only speaks when you call on him. Except for the times I turn around to see him perched on top of a desk peering over my podium at my monitor. Or the times I can't see him because he's disappeared under his desk. Or the times he's lost in his own world playing with toys he pulled out of someone else's cubby. But he's so stinking quiet and well-behaved most of the time. I have a hard time imagining ever being mad at JunSeo.

JunSeo has super cute, narrow eyes. Every time he talks, he squints and his eyes disappear. And then I get distracted wondering how in the world he can see anything at all. He also doesn't walk. I wish I could do a demo, but it's more like a combination of walking, skipping, and leaping. Even if he starts out with a walk, he always ends with an funky jump. I don't think he's ever landed simultaneously on both feet. I've concluded it's because he's just that happy. Maybe he doesn't vocalize it, but it still finds a way out.


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