Spider Pig

We've been discussing animals in kindergarten science. We're into really difficult things ... which animals walk or crawl or swim and what body parts they use for those movements. Like I said, very complex stuff. 

I was flipping through photos of various animals and insects, and the kids were answering questions about them. When we got to the tarantula (or the "tarantura" as my kids say), I got a few anticipated screams from the girls. Peter looked at me completely straight-faced and began singing "Spider pig, spider pig does whatever a spider pig does...."

I haven't seen the Simpsons in years, so Spider Pig was new to me. Even if I had known, Peter's rendition still would have been stellar. What's not to love about a 7-year old's monotone, Korean-accented, and rather serious take on "Spider Pig"? He made it through the entire song without cracking a smile. I was dying. 


  1. That's the BEST! I love it!!! You know Ariel, right? Well, that's who I learned the song from before I saw the Simpson's Movie...and well, let's just say, I'm guessing it sounded a bit like Peter's rendition! Haha!


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