Coffee Break

The couple sitting beside me is perfectly stereotypical. She uses her baby voice and whines. They each ordered a coffee and waffle, but he still feeds her his food. Partway through, they break for a cute cellphone photo op.

It occurs to me that, of all the solo patrons here, I am the only female. And while the others appear to be doing important things on their laptops and cellphones, I bet you a latte at least half of them are just putting on a good show. Like me. The guy in the corner quit pretending a while back and settled in for a nap.

A group of women occupies a few tables in front of me. Their conversation is animated but incredibly quiet. As they sign back and forth, they pause occasionally to pass stacks of Won across the table. If I ever write a mystery novel, they'll be in it.


  1. where did you find a place in Seoul that sells coffee! I agree, it's sad one needs to put on a show when alone.


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