Radio Star

I did an interview for a Korean radio station today. Why? Because now I can say I was interviewed on Korean radio. And because I don't have to worry about anyone I know hearing it. 

I stopped to study a neighborhood map, and a man with a microphone asked if I could spare two or three minutes for a radio interview. I gave him all the sensible reasons I could think of for why that was a bad idea, but he wouldn't hear it. What's more, I still hadn't figured out where I was supposed to be headed, and Radio Man promised to help me with that if I'd do the interview. (That was an easy enough promise, since he only had to tell me "go straight until you get to the big intersection with the Kyobo building and then go down the stairs on the right.")

What, you ask, was the interview about? It was about the upcoming Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day. Of course, I am an expert on both. I have increased sympathy for interviewees. Really...what should I have said to "how do feel about us having two New Years?" Well, honestly, I don't feel anything about it. I'm just happy for the days off work. And that's what I told him (in slightly different words). And do I have any "new years blessing" for all the millions and billions of people in Seoul who are listening? Umm...sorry. No. Hopefully, the masses weren't holding out for something deep.

Speaking of poor Radio Man, I have a new sympathy for interviewers. Not a ton of sympathy, since I like to think they have some control over the silly questions they ask. But still. It takes some skill to recover a conversation when you're given answers like "ummm...I hope you have a good new year?" (...even though you really should never ask that advice question in the first place). 

His last question: "Is there a song you would like to request?" Why yes, yes there is. It's number two here on this list of songs you gave me to choose from. And now, I am off to YouTube to find out what in the world that song actually sounds like.


  1. Welcome to Asian stardom! Where foreigners are fascinating merely b/c they have a different skin color!


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