The Most Unsweet Cake Ever

Fact #12
We tried Korean rice cakes recently. They are nothing like American cake. And also nothing like an American rice cakes (you know...those round, crunchy, cardboard-tasting things). 
Actually, I'm not sure how to describe the taste of the rice cake I ate. The sweetest part was the soybean flour coating, which was not sweet at all. Maybe...try removing the salt from a lump of green playdough. Then make it softer and more gummy. That's similar to how this tasted. 
I need to try one in a year and see if it still tastes like saltless, gummy playdough.

(borrowed from


  1. Ew...they look better than you describe how they taste...although, in 3rd grade, I did eat play dough once. ;)


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