The Most Unsweet Cake Ever
Fact #12
We tried Korean rice cakes recently. They are nothing like American cake. And also nothing like an American rice cakes (you know...those round, crunchy, cardboard-tasting things).
Actually, I'm not sure how to describe the taste of the rice cake I ate. The sweetest part was the soybean flour coating, which was not sweet at all. Maybe...try removing the salt from a lump of green playdough. Then make it softer and more gummy. That's similar to how this tasted.
I need to try one in a year and see if it still tastes like saltless, gummy playdough.
We tried Korean rice cakes recently. They are nothing like American cake. And also nothing like an American rice cakes (you know...those round, crunchy, cardboard-tasting things).
Actually, I'm not sure how to describe the taste of the rice cake I ate. The sweetest part was the soybean flour coating, which was not sweet at all. Maybe...try removing the salt from a lump of green playdough. Then make it softer and more gummy. That's similar to how this tasted.
I need to try one in a year and see if it still tastes like saltless, gummy playdough.
(borrowed from
Ew...they look better than you describe how they taste...although, in 3rd grade, I did eat play dough once. ;)