What You Need to Know

In 60 days, I begin a new life chapter. This one takes place in Korea and will last at least one year. Between now and then, each day I hope to share a new fact about Korea.

Fact #1
My name (Liz) in Korean:


  1. For sure and for shootin', you're goin' to Korea! :D Yippeeeee! I will totally be keeping up with you...you are one brave woman! Praise the Lord for His guidance!

  2. Wow! I knew it wouldn't be long...60 days really isn't that long! I guess you won't be around the 2nd weekend in December. Bummer, but I'm still oh-so-excited for you, Miz! I love God's leading in your life - Praise Him! I also love you! I'm so glad you started this blog. I'll look forward to "traveling" with you!

    "...I stand in awe of Your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known..." -Habakkuk 3:2

    P.S. Have you signed up for Skype yet?! ;-p

  3. Gonna be a blast. I have met plenty of soldiers who spent time there. Also have run into many chaplains who come from Korea, lots of Presbyterians over there.


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